Friday, November 25, 2011

Planning Your Remodeling Projects: Gathering Ideas

A good home remodeling project plan begins with an idea.  Creating and gathering ideas is one of the most enjoyable parts of planning a remodeling venture. 
You many have a strong desire to improve your home but may not be completely certain of how you want to improve it.  Start with making a list of your needs.  What is it about your home that is not working for you?  What annoys you?  Are some rooms too small for your growing family?  Are you tired of the interior colors?  Is there not enough natural light?  Is there not enough storage capacity?  Do you have a new hobby that requires a dedicated room?  Are your floors worn and faded?  Spend some time walking around your property and home, making a list of your problems, needs, and wants.
Take a brainstorming approach.  Let your ideas flow and jot them down on paper.  Don’t restrict your creative thinking at this point.  Don’t censor, don’t edit.  Keep your ideas flowing – often one idea will trigger another and another.  Creative thinking is about getting as many different ideas down on paper in a short period of time.   Later, you will review your ideas and determine which ones are practical and affordable.
Brainstorming combined with mindmapping is an excellent process for creating ideas.  Some scientists feel that mindmapping represents the natural way our minds think.  We can impede the creative process if we worry too much about organizing our thoughts in the early stage of brainstorming.  Mindmapping is a great way to get ideas down on paper in a free form that provides a picture that is easy to organize at a later stage.   There are a number of good web sites devoted to teaching the mindmapping process.
Another approach to creative thinking is what I call “thinking backwards.”  Imagine your dream home if money was no object.  What would it look like?  Create a picture with details of this dream home.  Sketch it out on paper if you like.  What are the major features?  Now, step back and look at your current home.  What remodeling could be done to transform it into something resembling your dream home? What projects would enable you to create something similar to the main features of your dream home?
Look for classes and workshops in your area on remodeling, interior design etc.  You may also find classes online.  Listen and view presentations from others to get ideas.
Look at pictures in home and garden magazines.  Cut out photos that you like.  Visit home design and remodeling stores for inspiration.
Start keeping a notebook with you as you go about your daily activities.  When your mind is open to ideas, they can pop into your head at any time.  Ideas may come to you when you are looking at a display in a store.  Something a friend or coworker says might trigger an idea.  Jot ideas down in your notebook as soon as you can so you won’t forget them.
Nest:  Prioritizing your idea list.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

SEMCO Formulates Concrete Sealers

Continuation of the series profiling Samel (Sam) Sem, founder of SEMCO:
Customers who bought SEMCO’s concrete cleaning products asked Sam for a sealer that would protect their newly cleaned concrete floors.  Concrete was porous and clients needed a product that would reduce this porosity so that oil, grease, or other spills would remain on the surface instead of being absorbed into the concrete floor.  This would provide the user with enough time to clean up the spill before it could penetrate the concrete.  Other factors that could damage unsealed concrete over time included high traffic, harsh weather conditions, water, dirt, abrasives, and salts.  
Sam went to work and developed X-Crete 500, a waterproofing sealer that would work well even under harsh conditions.  The secret to the X-Crete 500 performance was its low molecular weight which provided excellent penetration into the pores of the substrate.  Once X-Crete 500 filled into the pores, a chemical reaction would occur resulting in the creation of a solid, breathable membrane.  X-Crete 500 provides long lasting protection with a natural looking finish for many surface types.
Today, SEMCO offers three other concrete sealers along with X-Crete 500.  Customers can choose the concrete sealant that best meets their needs.
X-Crete 400 is formulated with the latest technology in polyurethane blend resin to provide the most environmentally-responsible, water-based sealer available in today’s market.   X-Crete 400 is a high quality, multi-faceted product.   It dries clear, creating a shiny look as it simultaneously seals, dust proofs, and protects.   X-Crete 400 is a unique, one-of-a-kind high-gloss topcoat, which provides a durable barrier resistant to stains and chemicals while providing a polished look for exterior and interior use.

Xtra Gloss is a one-part solvent-based polyurethane sealer, able to provide exceptional durability and shine for interior, exterior, and below grade use.   Xtra Gloss is a high quality, multi-faceted product which dries clear, creating a wet look, as it simultaneously seals, dustproofs, and protects for long lasting durability.   Xtra Gloss is a unique, high-gloss top coat which provides superior and durable resistance to stains, many chemicals and vehicle traffic.

Xcel is an exceptional waterproofing sealer designed specifically for natural stone.   Xcel’s low molecular weight allows for excellent penetration.   Xcel fills into the pores of the substrate, in which the chemical reaction that follows creates a solid, but breathable membrane.   Xcel provides long lasting protection for a vast array of surfaces over which it leaves a natural finish.

For help in resolving problems associated with concrete stains, concrete coatings, and cleaning and renovation of concrete floors, visit

Next:  SEMCO formulates the innovative X-Bond.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Home Remodeling: A Disaster Waiting to Happen?

Jason and Barbara had wanted to remodel their home for some time.  After much research, they decided to take the plunge and renovate their kitchen, outside patio, and the walls and floor in their family room. They estimated that the project would cost about $20,000 but that they could save about 20% of that by doing some of the work themselves.  They figured that they could complete the project in about 4 weeks by working evenings and weekends.
Four months later, the remodeling was still not complete.  After nights of scraping and painting and days spent roaming the aisles of home improvement stores, Jason and Barbara were exhausted.  They had to unexpectedly replace piping in one of the walls after a leak was discovered when the drywall was removed.  Then the new dishwasher would not fit in the opening they had cut in the kitchen counter.  The removal of the old tile floor in the family room was way more difficult than they expected.
So, Jason and Barbara broke down and hired a contractor to finish the project.  But that didn’t go smoothly either.  Every evening they had to pick up debris that he had left behind. Some of the wall and floor renovation that he had done was already showing signs of cracking.  He still hadn’t finished painting.  And he had billed them for additional charges above his original estimate pushing the cost of the remodel to more than $10,000 above their original projection.
For Jason and Barbara, the remodel is just not coming out the way they envisioned.
Does this sound familiar?  Have you or someone you know gone through a disastrous remodeling project?  You can find many videos of remodeling projects that have gone badly on the web.
Yes, remodeling is fraught with risks, challenges, and obstacles.  However, effective planning can significantly reduce the potential for disaster in a remodeling project.
Many people today find themselves in a position where it does not make economic sense for them to sell their home and move up to a new one.  They are turning to remodeling as a way to increase their home’s value and make it more functional and enjoyable to live in.
This article is the beginning of a series of that will cover the home remodeling planning process.  We will cover all aspects of developing a plan from how to generate ideas, design a project that meets your needs, create a budget, develop a schedule, factor in contingencies to cover the unexpected, determine what work you can do yourself, and hire and manage a contractor.  We hope you will find this series valuable.  A good remodeling project plan will give you the confidence that the finished product will meet your budget and expectations.
If you are contemplating renovating floors, walls, decks, countertops or other surfaces in your home, be sure to check out the SEMCO Modern Seamless Surface at  The friendly staff at SEMCO will be happy to discuss remodeling options with you including their unique REMODEL WITHOUT REMOVAL process that can save you money by eliminating the need to demolish and remove existing floors, walls, decks, and other surfaces.  Please call SEMCO at 702-222-9495.
 Next:  Gathering Remodeling Ideas

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Semco Creates Environmentally Friendly Products

Sam had a background in chemistry prior to starting his business.   He was interested in the science of designing and creating complex products formed by the structure, composition, properties, and interactions of substances.   He had worked on biodegradable products which were less harmful to the environment because they decomposed back into natural elements. His interest in environmentally friendly products would continue throughout his career.  The development of green products and processes would be a key component of the SEMCO business model.  In fact, SEMCO was offering environmentally safe products well before the “green” product movement went mainstream.
It is hard to believe that not so long ago climate change and sustainability were not significant concerns of consumers or producers.  People were, for the most part, unaware of environmental hazards in their homes and communities.
A few forward-looking entrepreneurs like Sam began to create green products because it was the right thing to do.  By the time consumers became aware of the environmental and health dangers posed by many common products on the market and current industry production processes, SEMCO and other visionary companies were well prepared to meet the demand for healthier and more environmentally sustainable products and services. 
When Sam launched SEMCO, the United States was experiencing strong economic growth with ever increasing consumption.  Waste was becoming a serious problem.  In the 1990s, the population of the United States grew by 10% while municipal waste grew by 40%.  Towards the end of the decade, the consumer mindset was changing.  Consumers were demanding sustainable products and more and more companies were realizing the value of positioning their organizations as green.  Companies were retooling their operations to give consumers more green choices.  By the 2000s, sustainability had become mainstream, even trendy, and businesses were falling over themselves to portray themselves as greener than their competitors.
Today, sustainability is a core value of many small and large businesses.  Consumers consider a product’s sustainable features when making a purchasing decision.
SEMCO’s environmentally friendly products and “remodel without removal” system enables consumers and contractors to implement renovation projects in a manner that creates less waste for landfills and less degradation to the environment.

Next:    After Sam introduces cleaning products, customers ask for a sealer.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SEMCO Formulates Concrete Cleaning Products

Having settled into Las Vegas, Samel (Sam) Sem turned his attention to earning a living and starting a business.  With a background in chemistry, he had an interest in one particular material that was extremely important to many industries:  concrete.  It was the most widely used construction material in the world; its use went back over 2000 years, possibly beginning with the Romans who used concrete to build roads, bridges, and aqueducts.  More than one cubic meter of concrete for every person on earth is made each year.  In the United States, concrete is a $35 billion dollar industry.
Sam saw that companies and individuals had a difficult time keeping concrete surfaces clean.   Concrete was a porous substance and thus needed frequent cleaning.  The customary way to clean concrete was to sandblast it and / or scrub it with bleach or muriatic acid.  These methods, besides being hazardous, would deteriorate concrete over time.  Acids in particular would eat into concrete.  Sam saw that there was a need for a cleaner that would be safe to use and not damage concrete.  This led to the formulation of SEMCO’s first products:  Power Cleaner and Nu Lift Cleaner. 
Power Cleaner was a remarkably versatile commercial strength cleaner, degreaser, and wax remover.  It was comprised of a blend of softening agents and nonionic surfactants.  It worked by penetrating, suspending, emulsifying, and dissolving surface contaminants.  It was successful at degreasing the dirtiest substrates and removing the toughest grease, oil, and wax stains from industrial and commercial surfaces. 
Nu Lift Cleaner was named for its ability to lift out and remove alkalinity, efflorescence, hard water deposits, magnesium, dirt, and stains from surfaces like grout and natural stone.  It contained a mineral acid that was environmentally friendly; thus Nu Lift would not cause harm or discoloring to the substrate.  It was also a very safe product to use.
Both cleaning products are very popular today with SEMCO customers who use them for maintaining and cleaning floors, decks, walls, and other surfaces.  They are also used during the preparation stage of the SEMCO modern seamless surface application system.
SEMCO’s very first customer to purchase and use Power Cleaner and Nu Lift Cleaner was Bally’s Hotel on the famed Las Vegas Strip.
Next:  Ahead of the “green” movement, Sam creates environmentally friendly products.